Sunday, November 24, 2013

The biggest challenges.

This year has sure been all about challenges...

On 31.12.2012, my status update was: "Happy New Year! Rock on for 2013! I have a feeling it's gonna be an awesome year!" Little did I know back then...  

I had felt a bit down earlier this week and I went to see my second family in Kokkola, which includes my goddaughter Kristiina. When leaving, she told me "halitaan", that is "let's hug". And at that moment, I realized how stupid I was for feeling sad - everything is actually just fine. Its pointless to focus on small worries and people who don't care for you. Bright up, sunshine.

And, I have already written loads and loads about what has happened during this year (that is, a fair amount on the personal level). But there is also a lot I can be proud of at the professional level... 

I had been working on a project since January. I was quite stressed about it and wanted it to work out perfectly. It was a seminar for 70 + students and their teachers, from our partner universities around Europe. They were staying for a week at Pietarsaari. I wasn't so much in charge of the content - but of the practical aspect and that everything flowed well...

It just ended and all in all, it went well. And that feels amazing. I met fantastic people, I enjoyed myself doing my job, I felt like I am doing what I am supposed to be doing. It was the biggest ego, professional, you-name-it boost I needed without really it knowing.

I gave a mini-speech to the students at the closing ceremony, telling (reminding?)them that they should travel the world and find their own place. I also told them that "
sometimes, the biggest challenges turn out to be the most rewarding." - I mainly said it out loud to myself, because this week turned out the best "surprise" I didn't expect.

 In reply, the students cheered, clapped and whistled and I, ...  I felt the happiest.

Now, I am tired but happy and sort of ready for the coming challenges... :-)

A month to go till Christmas, not sure if its going to be in Finland or France, at least I can start preparing my Christmas cards!

Sunday, August 4, 2013

No Guts, No Glory.

"The saying "No Guts, No Glory" means that without bravery and courage to take risks, one will not get any benefit. People who take risks, try new things, will benefit from the things they experience and learn"

Friday, August 2, 2013

A less good day

Its not a 'bad day'. Its just a 'less good day'. Just being on a bad mood because of close to everything and being tired... Seems like I'm only waiting for something nice to happen. And good things happen to those that wait, right?

One bad aspect of being on a bad mood is being totally unable to hide my feelings when I get mad. I just snap. It's really not a nice view when that happens. Need to work on that. At least at work, I really can't show if something pisses me off. I am supposed to be the "grown-up" (wtf?).

But hey, that's part of life. Good days vs. bad days. You gotta learn to go with the flow to some extent. Hopefully this days is still gonna turn into something great. We do have some cool plans this evening and for the weekend with my friend A., so it can only better! I just can't get that one thing out of my head, unfortunately its something that 100% out of my control now...

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


I wish I could hold onto this feeling for ever. The feeling that everything is well, everything is in balance. It won't last for ever, so lets just enjoy.

So, is this adulthood? Accepting that things don't always turn out the way you want? But that its gonna be fine anyhow...?

I find myself just smiling on my own, its not because of anyone in particular - but thanks to everything and everyone around. I feel so lucky. Just happy.

This summer has been so good to me. I am staying away from people draining the good things away from me and I'm enjoying the company of people that give so much. These people may be close-by or a bit further away, I know they are there. Its all I need.

Summer of '13 was all about friends, food, enjoying and... tattoo!

There is a long story behind the spiral. I used to draw them everywhere back in high-school. When I started of thinking of a tattoo, I looked up the symbolism of the spiral and thats what helped me make my mind up.

The Spiral is and ancient symbol of evolution, one of the oldest pagan symbols in existence. It represents the cycle of the seasons and the cycles of Life, growth and change. Although each loop of the spiral brings one back to the same place, it takes one to a higher and more evolved level at each turn.
So here we are again, sort of starting again, but its only getting better. I am in no hurry. Everything is gonna turn out fine.

what is meant to happen, will happen.

Thursday, July 11, 2013

Looking back.

Today, I have been thinking of how I felt a year ago. Then, I was quite sure that at this time (July 2013), I would be engaged and a house owner.

One year ago, I think I saw that life was set to go a certain way, with no real options left to change it.

Well... now, things are quite different, to say the least. Nothing is set. I am not engaged but single, I am not owning anything else but a car, a fair amount of furniture and two cats. That's my life.

As scary it might feel - to some extent - that I have no actual set plans for the future. It also means that all my options are open. Right now, I could still decide to move to another city or country...

For the first time in many years, I have been thinking that moving one day back to France is not that bad of an option. 

I really wonder what life will look like in one year's time. :-)

Lesson learnt

"you really need to learn to stop hammering on a locked door". (or something to the same extent)

Oh, boy!

In addition to that, it's important to let loose and just enjoy. I forgot that somewhere along the way.

This summer is just about laughing out loud, eating, dancing, friends, swimming, cycling in a city that's fallen asleep.

A huge thank you, merci, kiitos to you people around me.

Lucky me.